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Corporate Press Relations Agency

Corporate Press relations requires a particular know-how that our team of specialised consultants at Open2Europe have been practicing for several years

This type of communication must necessarily involve a strategy that enables the company to reach its various audiences. A company’s reputation is at stake at all levels of the media landscape and must be reflected throughout your organisation (human resources, sales, production, finance, etc.)

Able to understand your environment, its challenges and your problems, our team of experts will be able to organise an impactful speech to reach all your influential stakeholders (customers, employees, strategic partners, public authorities and opinion leaders, etc.), and to establish your organisation’s identity and values in the long term.

Whether you are a young company with strong growth potential, a large group or an institution, our corporate or institutional communication experts will help you define your media relations strategy in order to meet your image and reputation objectives: demonstrate your raison d’être and strengthen your legitimacy in your market, support your development and place you among the key players in the market, strengthen your employer brand to recruit and attract new talent, manage your crisis situations, etc.

Our teams work with all the influencers: the media (on and offline / written and audio visual) of the professional and sectoral, economic and financial, corporate and entrepreneurial press… including bloggers who are experts in your field.

We can advise and support you in the production of content (expert opinions, opinion pieces, white papers, etc.), the media coverage of your news (results and annual report, new development strategy, innovation, partnership, etc.), the organisation of events (press conferences, breakfasts, lunches or press briefings, round tables, etc.), and in speaking to the media (informal meetings or interviews, audio visuals / direct or deferred, media conferences or round tables).

The challenge is to create a lasting relationship of trust with journalists/influencers, and to position yourself as a source of information, an opinion leader and a reference in your market.

Thanks to our international teams, we can relay your message to the markets where you are present. Our Open2Digital team will also be able to advise you on the definition and operational implementation of your influence strategy via social networks: Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.